Project developed during a residency in Oficinas do Convento, in the frame of the programme "SEEDS- Means for a sustainable art practice". Participative installation during the colective exhibition "Sol de pouca dura". With the collaboration of Alicia Monreal and Inês Coelho da Silva.

3 mud fires are braziers for cooking edibles and non-edibles. They are thought to be used in public spaces as a way of creating moments to share recipes and stories. They are also meant to be used in processes that require slow and long fires like paper making or natural dying. In the context of the exhibition «Sol de pouca dura» they were used in a participatory installation entering in communication with fermentation processes that were carried out by Alicia Monreal and Inês Coelho da Silva during the residency. The braziers were warming up natural dyes made with the leftovers from ferments and other local plants. The public and other artists and neighbors that visited the exhibition could write other fermentation recipes using a mordent of iron sulfate and vinegar on fabrics that will be afterward dyed, becoming the pages of a collective ongoing publication.
The pieces where baked in a wood oven in Oficinas do Convento with the guidance of Joao Rolaça.
The braziers are joining the set of portable tools of the project «Living Equipment» a long-term collaboration with the artist Michela Dal Brollo.

With the support in the production of Marta León and Joao Rolaça and the team of Lavadouros and Telheiro.
«Seeds: means for a sustainable art practice» is a programe supported by Creative Europe with the partners : Oficinas do Convento, Rural Contemporanea, Quinta das Relvas and Chorus Greece.